Numerous myths and misunderstandings surround the practice of fasting. A frequently asked question is if consuming alcohol interrupts the fasting period.
The short answer is yes, alcohol does break a fast.
However, there are some things you need to know before you start drinking during your fast.
In this blog post, we will discuss the effects of alcohol on your fasting plan.
Alcohol and Intermittent Fasting

One of the main reasons why people start intermittent fasting is to improve their health.
And while there are many health benefits to this type of fasting, one of the drawbacks is that it can be challenging to stick to.
This is because you are restricted in what you can eat and drink.
And while you can have water and other non-caloric beverages, alcohol is off-limits.
However, some people do drink alcohol while intermittent fasting.
So, if you are one of these people, knowing how alcohol will affect your fast is essential.
Can You Drink During an Intermittent Fasting Eating Window?
Intermittent fasting involves periods of restricted eating followed by periods of unrestricted eating pattern.
No food or calorie-containing drinks can be consumed during the restricted time, including alcohol.
However, many people keep wondering if they can still have a drink during their designated “eating window.” In most cases, the answer is no.
Alcohol contains calories and can affect blood sugar levels, which goes against intermittent fasting.
Additionally, drinking alcohol during a short eating period can impede the body’s ability to burn fat and reduce inflammation, two potential benefits of intermittent fasting.
If you plan on enjoying drinks during your eating window, it’s best to stick to calorie-free options like sparkling water or unsweetened tea.
Ultimately, drinking alcohol while intermittent fasting may hinder weight loss efforts and impact overall health goals.
Can You Drink Alcohol at Night When Intermittent Fasting?
It is important to note that the effects of alcohol on fasting may vary depending on when you drink.
For example, drinking alcohol at night can have different effects than drinking during the day.
This is because our bodies metabolize alcohol differently at different times of the day.
Studies have shown and told us that drinking alcohol before bed can disrupt sleep, impacting weight loss, hormone levels, and blood sugar control.
Additionally, drinking alcohol at night can lead to late-night snacking, which can offset the calorie deficit that is needed for weight loss.
If you drink alcohol while intermittent fasting, it is best to do so during the day and limit yourself to one or two drinks.
Additionally, drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious meal before consuming alcohol.
This will help to minimize the effects of alcohol on your body and your fasting goals.
Does Intermittent Fasting Lower Alcohol Tolerance?
Intermittent fasting can also impact alcohol tolerance.
This is because your body’s ability to process alcohol decreases when you fast.
As a result, you may feel the effects of alcohol more quickly than usual.
Additionally, intermittent fasting can lead to dehydration, which can also intensify the effects of alcohol.
If you drink alcohol while in intermittent fasting state, you must do so responsibly and be aware of your increased tolerance.
16 8 Intermittent Fasting and Alcohol
If you’re doing the 16-8 intermittent fasting diet, you may be wondering if you can still enjoy a drink or two.
After all, who doesn’t love happy hour?
The great news is that you can have an alcohol intake while fasting. The key is to keep it moderate.
That means no more than one drink per day for women and two for men.
Of course, if you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll want to be careful about how many calories you consume from alcohol.
A standard glass of wine has about 120 calories, while beer can have up to 200 calories.
So if you’re sticking to the 16 8 fasting schedule, you’ll want to make sure that your booze of choice doesn’t put you over your daily calorie limit.
Does Alcohol Break Your Fast?
The simple answer is yes, alcohol does break a fast.
However, the degree to which it does so depends on a few factors, such as the type of alcohol consumed and how much is consumed.
Hard liquor, such as vodka or whisky, will significantly break a fast as it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Wine and beer will have a less dramatic effect as they are slower to be absorbed.
Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide if alcohol consumption during a fast breaks the rules too much for their practice.
Some may choose to abstain from alcohol altogether while fasting, while others may allow themselves the occasional drink.
As long as you know how alcohol will affect your fast, you can make the right decision for yourself.
How Many Calories Does Alcohol Contain?
While the calorie content of alcohol varies depending on the type of drink, hard liquor generally has more calories than beer or wine.
A standard shot of vodka (1.5 ounces) has 97 calories, while a can of beer has around 153 calories.
A glass of red wine has approximately 125 calories.
So, if you’re trying to watch your calorie intake, you may want to stick to hard liquor or wine.
How Does Human Body Metabolize Alcohol During Fasting?
During fasting, the human body goes through a process called ketosis, which starts to burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.
Alcohol consumption can interfere with this process, as it is metabolized by the liver and turned into sugar.
This sugar then enters the bloodstream and raises blood sugar levels, disrupting ketosis.
So, while you may not technically be breaking your fast by drinking alcohol, it can still impact your body’s ability to burn fat.
If you’re trying to maximize the benefits of fasting, you may want to avoid alcohol altogether.
Does Alcohol Spike Blood Sugar?
Yes, alcohol can spike blood sugar levels.
Drinking alcohol causes your liver to metabolize it into sugar, which then enters the bloodstream and raises blood sugar levels.
This can be a problem for people with diabetes or other conditions that require them to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
If you have any concerns about how alcohol will affect your blood sugar, you should speak to a doctor or dietitian before consuming it.
Does Alcohol Interrupt Autophagy?
The process of autophagy is when the body destroys old or damaged cells to recycle them.
It is thought to have many benefits, including reducing inflammation and protecting against age-related diseases.
Fasting is thought to increase autophagy, but alcohol consumption can interfere with this process.
So, if you’re trying to maximize the benefits of autophagy, you may want to avoid alcohol during your fast.
Does Alcohol Break Ketosis?
Theoretically, yes. Alcohol is a sugar and will kick you out of ketosis.
However, in practice, it may not be that simple. Some people can drink alcohol in moderation and remain in ketosis.
Others find that even a tiny amount of alcohol kicks them out of ketosis.
It depends on the individual. If you’re trying to stay in ketosis, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether.
But if you drink, pay close attention to your body and how it reacts.
Some people can enjoy a glass of wine or beer while remaining in ketosis, while others find that even a tiny amount of alcohol disrupts their ketosis.
Drinking Alcohol After a Water Fast
It is generally not recommended to drink alcohol after water fast. Alcohol can interfere with the body’s natural detoxification process and cause dehydration.
If you choose to drink alcohol, drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary drinks is essential.
It would be best if you also ate a nutritious meal before or after drinking alcohol to help offset any adverse effects.
If you are unsure whether to drink alcohol after water fast, it is best to speak with your healthcare provider.
They can help you weigh the risks and benefits of drinking alcohol and make the best decision for your situation.
Don’t Drink Alcohol on an Empty Stomach
The old saying goes, “don’t drink on an empty stomach.” This is especially true if you’re trying to detoxify your body after water fast.
Alcohol can cause dehydration and may also interfere with the body’s natural detoxification process.
So, it’s best to avoid drinking alcohol while you’re fasting. If you must drink, be sure to eat something first and drink plenty of water afterward.
Fasting After Drinking Alcohol
If trying to detoxify your body after a night of drinking, it’s best to wait until the alcohol has completely cleared your system before starting a fast.
Fasting while your body is still metabolizing alcohol can be dangerous and cause serious health complications.
It’s important to note that the length of time it takes for alcohol to leave your system can vary depending on a number of factors, including your age, weight, gender, and how much alcohol you drank.
In general, however, most people will metabolize one standard drink (defined as 0.6 ounces or 14 grams of pure alcohol) within about two hours.
Side Effects of Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol can lead to several potential side effects. These include:
Impaired Weight Loss
Alcohol consumption can lead to impaired weight loss. Studies have shown that people who drink alcohol while dieting tend to lose less weight than those who do not drink.
Alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation throughout the body. This can lead to several other health problems, such as joint pain, digestive issues, and even heart disease.
Impaired Liver Function
Drinking alcohol can lead to impaired liver function. The liver is responsible for breaking down and removing toxins from the body, and when it is not functioning correctly, these toxins can build up and cause several health problems.
Alcohol Worsens Sleep
Drinking alcohol can lead to poorer sleep quality. Alcohol disrupts the natural sleep cycle and can cause wakefulness during the night. This can lead to fatigue and daytime sleepiness.
Poor Food Choices
Drinking alcohol can lead to poor food choices. When people are intoxicated, they are more likely to make unhealthy food choices, such as eating fast food or processed snacks.
Impaired Hormone Regulation
Alcohol consumption can definitely interfere with the body’s ability to regulate hormones. This can lead to several problems, such as irregular menstrual cycles, fertility issues, and even mood swings.
What is Best to Drink While Intermittent Fasting?

There is no definitive and straightforward answer to this question, as everyone’s bodies react differently to alcohol.
However, if you choose to have a drink, you should know that alcohol can disrupt your fast. Here are some:
Does Beer Break a Fast?
Beer is made from grains and is most commonly consumed during lunch or dinner. It is calorie-dense and can bloat your stomach.
Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid beer while intermittent fasting.
Does Wine Break a Fast?
Wine is made from grapes and is commonly consumed with dinner. It is lower in calories than beer but can still bloat your stomach.
Therefore, it is not recommended to drink wine while intermittent fasting.
Does Whiskey Break a Fast?
Yes, whiskey will break fast. Any alcohol will disrupt a fast, as it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause dehydration.
If you are planning on fasting, it is best to avoid all alcoholic beverages.
Does Bourbon Break a Fast?
Bourbon is a type of whiskey that will also break a fast.
Again, any alcohol will disrupt a fast, so it is best to avoid all alcoholic beverages if you are fasting.
Does Vodka Break a Fast?
Vodka is a type of alcohol that will break a fast. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause dehydration.
It is generally best to avoid all alcoholic beverages while intermittent fasting.
Alcohol is calorie-dense and can bloat your stomach, and it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which can disrupt your fast.
Does Bone Broth Have the Same Impact on Fasting as Alcohol Does?
Many people wonder, does bone broth break a fast? While it’s true that bone broth contains calories and some protein, it doesn’t have the same impact on fasting as alcohol does. Alcohol can disrupt your metabolism, hinder fat burning, and affect blood sugar levels. On the other hand, bone broth provides some nutrients without significantly raising insulin levels, making it a better option for fasting. So, if you’re looking to maintain the benefits of fasting, bone broth is a favorable choice.
The Takeaway
If you are planning on fasting, it is best to avoid all alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause bloating, disrupting your fast.
Fasting is a personal decision; you should do what is best for your body. If you choose to drink alcohol while fasting, be mindful of the potential side effects and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.